photo 2.73K videocam 21 people 13.3K
@u40212203 • joined: Jun, 2020
13,287 subscribers
Amber Blank
Hello, I am an amateur and my husband films my encounters with other men and women. I have a sock fetish and like showing off my high arched feet.
I love weight lifting and stretching, I started yoga at a younger age.
Since I was homeschooled and a late bloomer, I’ve had a lot of pent up sexual energy to get out. It took me awhile to give into my urges because of my shyness.
I have to admit, it has been a struggle to accept myself and what I do. Popular opinion is to say it's wrong and bad, but we enjoy what we do. And everyone has a form of that to grapple with.
Full length videos on my beyondinterracial website. Any IG or wishlist isn't me.
Thank you for your support.