$lutt money

photo 31 people 66

$lutt money

$lutt money

@spankme66 • joined: Mar, 2022

66 subscribers


Hey guys😊
The below is my pricing for custom content. if your wanting any of the below please send me a private message😊

Content menu🤤
Dick Rating- $5
Full nude photo- $20
Lingerie/semi nude photo- $10
15-30 second videos of touching/ strip tease- $30
1+ minute video touching/strip tease- $60
1+ minute toy play/ masturbating- $80
Lingerie and/ or nude polaroids original copy
$30 lingerie
$50 nudes
Treat me to get my nails done (photo and videos included)- $60
Girlfriend experience (good morning and good night text with updates through out the day- $60 a day
Take me lingerie shopping (photos and videos included)- $150
Buy me new shoes (feet pics can be included)- $70
Anything out of this please DM me. I look forward to hearing from you😜

location_on Albion
send $lutt money Telegram Channel
photo 31
videocam 0
mic 0
article 15