photo 362 videocam 29 people 1.37K
Pamela Hannam IFBB Pro
@pamhannam_ifbbpro • joined: Sep, 2020
1,367 subscribers
I am a active competing IFBB Professional Bodybuilder I have been competing and training for over 35 years.
I have this special account for two reasons:
1. My sport is extremely expensive and I have to cover all costs myself.
Average cost for ONE season of contest prep is $40000
Your subscription and tips are what keeps the process going so please be generous
2. Pictures and videos of a more intimate nature are ONLY available here. I post on Instagram but a lot of my images have been posted on other peoples sites that don’t support me, so I am limiting my pictures there.
Your subscription gives you access to all my athletic pictures (PG rated) that I post on my main page
You are under no obligation to buy anything that I post in your CONTENT IN DM IS NUDE.
I always ask what you desire to view to make your experience with me more personal. Sexual videos or pictures are of course more expensive than just a nude photo.
I hope you enjoy your experience with me 💋~ Pamela