photo 6.98K videocam 396 people 7.68K
Nissarious Drasson
@nissariousd • joined: Jul, 2017
7,681 subscribers
18+ only! <3
Hello there! Welcome to my FREE page!! I appreciate your support so much, and I want you to know Onlyfans is not a site I want to keep giving my support to...I don't like them as a company, and would much prefer your support on any of my other free, or paid pages!! You can find all my other pages here!
With that being said, I don't want to delete this page. My incredible supporters don't deserve to lose all the content they've purchased over the last couple years..
I also can't delete specific pictures from posts, after about a week youloose the ability to remove photos from a post. You either have to delete the post, or put a price on it with free previews.
All of the pay walls will hopefully convince you to come over to another sub page to see my free and paid walls with all the naughty content included! xoxo
(I am shameless. If you can only tip here, or if you highly prefer to tip here, of course i will accept it. ;D)