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@missbripoff • joined: Apr, 2021
128 subscribers
You are weak for my perfection but you well know that you don't deserve to worship my perfect body, nor you deserve to talk to me at all in fact. You are made to be ripped of by me, drained, ignored and discarded like the yesterday's trash! You will subscribe and rebill for almost nothing of value or relevance in return. I will tease and mindfuck you with my censored pictures and videos, trash, laundry, dirt and whatever else I may find entertaining. You will be my brainless drone, human trashcan and just a wallet nothing more. You will be opening my PTVs hopping that I will be merciful and grace you with my perfection at least once in a while. I will enjoy destroying you while ignoring your pathetic existence all in one and you will love me and thank me for it daily.
You are welcome!