Melissa Beckner

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Melissa Beckner

Melissa Beckner

@melissafit88 • joined: May, 2021

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I am a certified personal trainer on my first competition journey. I hope to inspire others along the way through posting my progress and sharing bits and pieces about my life.
Competition is on 11/21/21 which is just 2 days after my 4th year in recovery from a meth addiction. During my active addiction I lost custody of my 4 children, my sense of identity, and my hope for a bright future.
In my recovery, I have found out that I did not lose any of that. When my children turn 18, I will be able to reach out to them and for now they are being well taken care of. The identity I thought I lost, I do not want back. I have reinvented myself. And my future is shining so bright now that I just keep moving forward toward that light.
I will never stop working on myself and I encourage you to keep pushing through because the grass will always be greener wherever you water it.

location_on Glendale, AZ
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