Maiya Akrin

photo 722 videocam 113 people 27.2K

Maiya Akrin

Maiya Akrin

@maiyaakrin • joined: Jul, 2019

27,229 subscribers


This Base memebership on only fans will grant you accees to:
Sexy & lewd content posted on weekends, but the more juicy stuff will be either by purchase via message or tips ;)
*I have made my account free to test out for a couple months to see if it improves the growth of my community & my content making :3 (this means, depending on how well it goes- it may be subject to change back to monthly paid subscriptions, if that is the case, i will give notice in advance for anyone who unfortunately won't want to stay..)*
Feel free to send me tips just cause, but if you would like to join my snapchat premium- during COVID, it will be just $7 a month. Send w/snap name
1. Keep it in your pants. If I didnt ask, I dont want to see.
2. I do send "nudes" so ask for info.
3. No posting my content elsewhere without my DIRECT permission. *Note: failure to follow the rules WILL result in losing access to my account(s).*

send Maiya Akrin Telegram Channel
photo 722
videocam 113
mic 0
article 367