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Jenna O
@jennao • joined: Feb, 2021
477 subscribers
Jenna O pretends she is a Big Deal Small Town Local Celebrity when she leaves the house. Thankfully, that doesn’t seem to happen too much (or ever) these days, so not only can her head fit easily through the door…she may even confide in you about them “negative self-talk narratives.”
You know about the imposter syndrome, and the pain problems with the chronic illness nonsense that colors everything she does (read: EVERY PART OF THE INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA SHE CONQUERS!)?
It’s 2022, and she is still discovering some of the latest latent panic disorders lying in wait.
I mean…
All-around alliterative arsehole who spends too much time reading in bed with her cats?
Read: she is a high-risk bish never leaving the apartment to talk to anyone. Points of reference for what constitutes “normal” conversation are just..gone.
So, maybe talk to her?
If you want.
She was once told she is great at cheering people up?
Is that a thing we need? Or want?