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Courtney Jessica
@divinelycourtney • joined: Sep, 2021
0 subscribers
Not the usual Creator here! LOL I am on a mission to help the men of the world receive healing because I believe you men deserve it! Men are less likely to seek healing for themselves but when the masculines heal, the feminines benefit. So I'm coming here to OF to find you :) I offer paid 3 minute psychic channeled messages of healing! I will post a few videos as example. I never know what is going to come through but it is always exactly what is needed. I love helping people heal! I appreciate your purchase too because I am in school fulltime and trying to get my business off the ground and am in need of financial support.
Q&A about what I do. I connect with God/Source energy and work with the light! nothing creepy or dark here. I work with angels and crossed over loved ones, anyone of the highest good and highest light that is there to guide the healing message. If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Thank You <3