Danni Zamudio

photo 239 videocam 15 people 3.67K

Danni Zamudio

Danni Zamudio

@dannizamudio • joined: Jun, 2020

3,667 subscribers


Hey Corndog! 👄
I am a full-time artist, cartoonist, and model.
Only here will I give you artistic trade secrets, post my webcomic ‘Nite Brain’ weekly, sell one of a kind original artworks, and serve sexy videos / NUDES. I’m like the Big Titty Goth Girlfriend that makes art, comics, and creates hot girl content! Here you will see everything in my life; nudity, sexy stuff, my crafts and thoughts. I will pass down knowledge I learned in art school, and post tutorials or how-tos for those that are here for that, too.

Please subscribe to help support as well as help in creating beautiful, dark, funny and sexy art! 🥰

BTW; I am autistic and otherwise have issues with employment. Your support and contribution mean more to me than anything.

location_on Portland, OR
link https://www.dannizamudio.com
shopping_cart https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/28L1VWSUGI4IH?ref_=wl_share
send Danni Zamudio Telegram Channel
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