people 1
@coolmehdiaussies4world • joined: Feb, 2022
1 subscribers
worked as shoe maker. plasterer. pharmacy assistance. kitchen hand. delivery driver.
volunteer worked as students for high school. TAFE etc.
volunteer worked as mechanic student. pharmacy student. IT student. kitchen hand student. nurse student. Indian restaurant. pizza shop and self serve buffet. hydroponic tomatoes farms. farm works such as picking pruning watershoot installation. barber student. bariesta student, etc.
Hold the cert 3 in community pharmacy. full drivers licence. forklift licence. boat and ski licence. fluid safe transfusions. hand hygiene. safety at construction zone/white. cpr and first aid. diploma in nursing. cert3/4 information technology.
like and good at swimming, running, riding bicycles, soccer, gym machines, outdoors activities, movies and games.
I am here just because people did not know how to appreciate me on google, face book, instagram, viber etc
I like to shop online specially on