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@aaarikujo • joined: May, 2021
8 subscribers
It is a fatty bisexual living in Japan. I am glad while strengthening a body if all of you are excited. This is the first time that I show it in amateurs, but would appreciate your seeing it if good. I look forward to the subscription from all of you. If English is strange, I'm sorry! 1708426
Nippon ni sun de iru o debubaisekusharu desu . karada o kitae tsutsu , minasama o kōfun sa se rare tara ureshii desu . shirōto de miseru no wa hajimete desu ga , yokere ba mi te itadakeru to saiwai desu . minasama kara no kōdoku , omachi shi te ori masu . eigo ga hen da~tsu tara gomen'nasai!