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Miss Tulsa
@itstulsatime • joined: Dec, 2018
2,942 subscribers
I've been called a five star reservation on a picnic blanket. The perfect blend of sophisticated poise, casual elegance and devilish charm.
Is home life and work gettin' you down? I can help you with that.
Feelin' a bit neglected and lonely? I can help you with that too.
Let me remove that stress and get you back to center again.
Over two decades of experience. I have the cure for what ails you.
Looking for kink...look elsewhere. Not my bag, baby.
If you're looking for Barbie, keep on truckin'...she don't live here!
I'm older, wiser, full-figured, grounded and balanced; you'll see the difference, the difference makes. In a field of Ferraris, I'm the Lincoln Town Car...built for a comfort, not speed.
Come take a ride.