photo 4.35K videocam 66 people 2.58K
@candikitten • joined: May, 2020
2,585 subscribers
✨ Welcome to my page! This is my erotic art, where my sense of glamour and my sexuality combine. Here my curves become the outlines, my outfit the brush strokes, my body the piece of art.
Come in, browse through my gallery - I'll be hanging new pieces every day. ✨
The focus of this page is mostly myself, but my trans girlfriend may be making an appearance here and there. (Her pronouns are she/her or they/them. Misgendering fee is $30.) 🤗
If you'd like some custom content, or to book a sexting session, you're welcome to DM me for prices. I look forward to talking to you! 🥰
If you're feeling generous, check out my wishlist:
And finally, if you just can't get enough of me, be sure to check out my AllMyLinks (link below) to see where else you can find me online. 😘