photo 1.38K videocam 109 people 3.88K
@janeta6769 • joined: Mar, 2020
3,883 subscribers
Hi, I'm Jack! I'm a trans woman living in the Midwest. People have been talking about this newfangled OnlyFans site for a while and I thought I'd give it a whirl! Hope you enjoy yourself and stick around for a while~
18+ or 21+ (depending on your local laws) only please.
*Pricing List*
$10 - One Personalized Pic
Can include (but is not limited to):
- name/username written on body
- a previously featured outfit
- full nudity
+$10 - Feet Included
+$10 - feet in a substance like food or lube (note: unavailable until after the pandemic)
$40 - 5 Personalized Pics, W/ Feet
$80 - 10 Personalized Pics, W/ Feet
$40 - 1 Minute Personalized Video - No Cum
+$10 - Each additional minute
$70 - 1 Minute Personalized Video - W/ Cum
+10 - Each additional minute
$20 - Send me a dick pic (rating available upon request)
$40 - Send me a video