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Nurse Alexis
@nursealexis007 • joined: Feb, 2022
227 subscribers
When I'm not working, you can usually find me in the gym, working out while trying to study. I'm very active, I enjoy everything outdoors. Classy and Sassy…love getting dolled up and looking cute.
I consider myself to be very personable and can relate to almost anyone. I'm open to new things, in just about every way imaginable. Honest.
Some say I look conservative, but looks can be deceiving….😉🤫
I was working two jobs, one in healthcare, and bartending on the side, when Covid hit. These horrific last couple years made me decide to pursue my dream and go back to school for my RN license.
I’m a Fun, Fit, Foodie that can nurture your every need. Nurse Alexis is sure to turn up the temp 🔥 and get your heart racing!🥰