Davy Boy

photo 7 videocam 16 people 130

Davy Boy

Davy Boy

@davy.boy • joined: Feb, 2022

130 subscribers


💎I'm Italian twink, 21 y.o. and I study at university. Outside of that, I'm Dboy, here to make your day ☀️

💎Activity on my profile:
-Daily posting 👅🍆💦
-I accept private messages/requests, if doable, and after discussing it together :)
-Interaction with my fans comes first for me🔥

💎Start following me now, enjoy it nicely and oh... Do not get too much addicted to my 🍆 🙃

💎*Pssst... I like making gifts sometimes* 😉

💎*As a side note, all what I share with my onlyfans profile is protected by copyright and is not intended to be share anywhere else. Failure to do so will go against privacy laws with consequences.*

Enjoy it nicely🙃



💎Sono un ragazzo Italiano, ho 21 anni e studio all'università. All'infuori di quello puoi sono DBoy, qui per soddisfare le tue voglie e farti sentire speciale 👅😏

💎Interazione coi miei fans e soddisfarvi in intimità è ciò che conta 😉 sempre disponibile in chat privata, e perch

location_on Italy 🇮🇹
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  • $14.49 per month