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@dalmagoncz_art • joined: Dec, 2021
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Dalma Göncz is a Fine Artist from Hungary. As a material-centred artist, concrete is the medium that stimulates and inspires her to create again and again. She is currently interested in the sustainability and future of the Earth. How to preserve the peerless beauty and uniqueness of nature, without getting in the way of development. The natural environment is in a "fierce" battle with humanity. She believes that, as in everything, the solution lies in a harmonious, sustainable balance.
She likes to bring the harmonious relationship between the natural and the built environment to life on canvas. Her research is based on the colourful biodiversity of oceans, seas and lakes, and she likes to capture surface features that are unique and unparalleled in nature, such as coral life or rock walls, rocks on the ocean shore, lakes stained by plankton or lakes with acidic chemistry, such as Acid Lake.