Slender-Man Sexy Man

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Slender-Man Sexy Man

Slender-Man Sexy Man

@slender-manu185955319 • joined: Oct, 2021

139 subscribers


47 year old man rebuilding his life for the second stage of his life. Started my journey to living a longer healthier lifestyle back 2019. I started out weighing about 273lbs typical dad bod at 40 yrs old lol. Decided to make changes and stick with them. I joined a gym, starting taking supplements and eating better. Lost 98lbs over the past two years. I’m absolutely in love with my new self and how I look. It’s like giving my motivation to push into my 50s and staying fit.I’m 47 now and looking forward to pushing into my 50s being healthy happy and of course sexy! I do post a lot on IG and twitter too. Not looking for anything except to just share my experience's and show my progress. I’m not perfect and not trying to be, just trying to be the best me I can be.

location_on United States
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