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@jay_bull29 • joined: Dec, 2019
0 subscribers
#gettingfit #gettinglaid
#model #hung #fitness #Pan #Bull switch #kink #slut
It's a new year, and I'm making changes. No longer going to hold back. Due to health issues I have gotten significantly out of shape. Starting today we are on the long road to fixing that. I know i will never be a collegiate athlete again but I want to feel strong and healthy again.
I'm no longer holding back sexually either. I'm Pansexual, I'm attracted to what im attracted to, im going to do who and what I want. There are too many fun options to lock myself in. #Pan #Switch
Performance, vouyerism, and entertainment have always been a huge fantasy of mine and why I've started these pages. I dont know if anyone will read or follow any of this but that doesn't matter. This is about me after all. Hopefully I can reach some followers, bring others enjoyment or help. Maybe even build a community, but for now I'm doing this for me and not holding back. Time to enjoy myse