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Sean Fondue Experience
@seanfondueexperience • joined: May, 2021
74 subscribers
Sex has always been a place of healing for me. When I married Purity Piece, we began a long journey, much of it around sex.
As a hetero-married couple, we often found ourselves in the hetero patterns of healing: a desire to heal, but an inability to be completely honest about the sexual issues at the core of some of the issues. Once we were able to be honest about our real feelings around sex and intimacy, our understanding of each other grew exponentially overnight. All of the sexual hang ups and body issues switched from being triggers to being huge moments of growth.
We provide an up close and intimate look into our sex and love and how we built such a strong foundation. Hear all the stories about recovery from illness through sexual healing, personal growth and discovery through psychedelics and anal sex, and the shedding of guilt and embarrassment around sexual activities from our youth through consensual ravishment play.