Persons from Long Island South shore Amity NY

2.81K Likes, joined Jan, 2021

♋️♈️♎️NSFW! RETIRED CLUB STRIPPER MEMORIAL to The Beauty I once was back in the days when I used to shine before I became chronically ill/disabled I lost "her/Me" a long time ago. DISCLAIMER: Do not reproduce or post my material anywhere including outside of only fans and I ask that you respect my boundaries (solo only) I am physically challenged. No🏡 visit/calls do not ask me. New rules coming soon: I will be putting a price of $15/mo. within that time you could watch everything on this page and then at the end of the month choose to stay or choose to leave. I am keeping up all the vintage stuff and if I am up to it I will post from time to time. I have to make something so even if you spend $15 stay a month just to watch everything, leave and then come back later on to check things out again that’s fine.I do have a habit of giving future discounts on subscriptions. I am not a porn star I never claimed to be this is a memorial page that’s how I wanted it to be.