Persons from Bethlehem, PA

Jenna O
477 Likes, joined Feb, 2021

Jenna O pretends she is a Big Deal Small Town Local Celebrity when she leaves the house. Thankfully, that doesn’t seem to happen too much (or ever) these days, so not only can her head fit easily through the door…she may even confide in you about them “negative self-talk narratives.”

Clara Rouge
6 Likes, joined Nov, 2021

tell your cat i said pspsps

💎 Supreme 💎
joined Apr, 2020

Yung & Gettin it 🤑

Carl Hartner
joined Sep, 2021

Christian, Special Needs Daddy. Psych RN, home health RN. Dog & cat daddy. Eagle Scout & prior service USAF. Goofy, quirky, nerdy, fun loving, loyal, cuddly, warped sense of humor (I do work im healthcare), helpful, honest to a fault (I'm a terrible liar).

Caleb James
joined Jul, 2019

Welcome to the exclusive 🤪😈